Looping Over Data Sets

Last updated on 2025-02-14 | Edit this page



  • How can I process many data sets with a single command?


  • Be able to read and write globbing expressions that match sets of files.
  • Use glob to create lists of files.
  • Write for loops to perform operations on files given their names in a list.

Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names.

  • A filename is a character string.
  • And lists can contain character strings.


import pandas as pd
for filename in ['data/data-penguins-named.csv', 'data/data-breast-cancer.csv']:
    data = pd.read_csv(filename)
    print(filename, data.min())


data/data-penguins-named.csv species              Adelie
island               Biscoe
bill_length_mm         32.1
bill_depth_mm          13.1
flipper_length_mm     172.0
body_mass_g          2700.0
sex                  Female
dtype: object
data/data-breast-cancer.csv diagnosis                    0.000000
radius_mean                  6.981000
texture_mean                 9.710000
perimeter_mean              43.790000
area_mean                  143.500000
smoothness_mean              0.052630
compactness_mean             0.019380
concavity_mean               0.000000
concave points_mean          0.000000
symmetry_mean                0.106000
fractal_dimension_mean       0.049960
radius_se                    0.111500
texture_se                   0.360200
perimeter_se                 0.757000
area_se                      6.802000
smoothness_se                0.001713
compactness_se               0.002252
concavity_se                 0.000000
concave points_se            0.000000
symmetry_se                  0.007882
fractal_dimension_se         0.000895
radius_worst                 7.930000
texture_worst               12.020000
perimeter_worst             50.410000
area_worst                 185.200000
smoothness_worst             0.071170
compactness_worst            0.027290
concavity_worst              0.000000
concave points_worst         0.000000
symmetry_worst               0.156500
fractal_dimension_worst      0.055040
dtype: float64

Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern.

  • In Unix, the term “globbing” means “matching a set of files with a pattern”.
  • The most common patterns are:
    • * meaning “match zero or more characters”
    • ? meaning “match exactly one character”
  • Python’s standard library contains the glob module to provide pattern matching functionality
  • The glob module contains a function also called glob to match file patterns
  • E.g., glob.glob('*.txt') matches all files in the current directory whose names end with .txt.
  • Result is a (possibly empty) list of character strings.


import glob
print('all csv files in data directory:', glob.glob('data/*.csv'))


all csv files in data directory: ['data/data-penguins-named.csv', 'data/data-breast-cancer.csv']


print('all PDB files:', glob.glob('*.pdb'))


all PDB files: []

Use glob and for to process batches of files.

  • Helps a lot if the files are named and stored systematically and consistently so that simple patterns will find the right data.


for filename in glob.glob('data/data-*.csv'):
    data = pd.read_csv(filename)
    print(filename, data.min())


data/data-penguins-named.csv species              Adelie
island               Biscoe
bill_length_mm         32.1
bill_depth_mm          13.1
flipper_length_mm     172.0
body_mass_g          2700.0
sex                  Female
dtype: object
data/data-breast-cancer.csv diagnosis                    0.000000
radius_mean                  6.981000
texture_mean                 9.710000
perimeter_mean              43.790000
area_mean                  143.500000
smoothness_mean              0.052630
compactness_mean             0.019380
concavity_mean               0.000000
concave points_mean          0.000000
symmetry_mean                0.106000
fractal_dimension_mean       0.049960
radius_se                    0.111500
texture_se                   0.360200
perimeter_se                 0.757000
area_se                      6.802000
smoothness_se                0.001713
compactness_se               0.002252
concavity_se                 0.000000
concave points_se            0.000000
symmetry_se                  0.007882
fractal_dimension_se         0.000895
radius_worst                 7.930000
texture_worst               12.020000
perimeter_worst             50.410000
area_worst                 185.200000
smoothness_worst             0.071170
compactness_worst            0.027290
concavity_worst              0.000000
concave points_worst         0.000000
symmetry_worst               0.156500
fractal_dimension_worst      0.055040
dtype: float64
  • This includes the minimal data point in both data-penguins-named and data-breast-cancer datasets.
  • Use a more specific pattern in the exercises to exclude the whole data set.

Determining Matches

Which of these files is not matched by the expression glob.glob('*as*.csv')?

  1. gapminder_gdp_africa.csv
  2. gapminder_gdp_americas.csv
  3. gapminder_gdp_asia.csv

1 is not matched by the glob.

Minimum File Size

Modify this program so that it prints the number of records in the file that has the fewest records.


import glob
import pandas as pd
fewest = ____
for filename in glob.glob('data/*.csv'):
    dataframe = pd.____(filename)
    fewest = min(____, dataframe.shape[0])
print('smallest file has', fewest, 'records')

Note that the DataFrame.shape() method returns a tuple with the number of rows and columns of the data frame.


import glob
import pandas as pd
fewest = float('Inf')
for filename in glob.glob('data/*.csv'):
    dataframe = pd.read_csv(filename)
    fewest = min(fewest, dataframe.shape[0])
print('smallest file has', fewest, 'records')

You might have chosen to initialize the fewest variable with a number greater than the numbers you’re dealing with, but that could lead to trouble if you reuse the code with bigger numbers. Python lets you use positive infinity, which will work no matter how big your numbers are. What other special strings does the float function recognize?

Comparing Data

Write a program that plots a boxplot of all numeric features distribution in each species. Hint: Generate a list of all the numeric columns first. Use F-string to name each plot and to save the plots at separate files.


import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

numeric_columns = data_penguins.select_dtypes(include=['number']).columns.tolist()

for col in numeric_columns:
    plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
    sns.boxplot(x='species', y=col, data=data_penguins)
    plt.title(f"Boxplot of {col} by Species")

Dealing with File Paths

The pathlib module provides useful abstractions for file and path manipulation like returning the name of a file without the file extension. This is very useful when looping over files and directories. In the example below, we create a Path object and inspect its attributes.


from pathlib import Path

p = Path("data/data-penguins-named.csv")



Hint: Check all available attributes and methods on the Path object with the dir() function.

Key Points

  • Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names.
  • Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern.
  • Use glob and for to process batches of files.