Pandas DataFrames

Last updated on 2024-11-10 | Edit this page

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  • How can I do statistical analysis of tabular data?


  • Select individual values from a Pandas dataframe.
  • Select entire rows or entire columns from a dataframe.
  • Select a subset of both rows and columns from a dataframe in a single operation.
  • Select a subset of a dataframe by a single Boolean criterion.

Note about Pandas DataFrames/Series

A DataFrame is a collection of Series; The DataFrame is the way Pandas represents a table, and Series is the data-structure Pandas use to represent a column.

Pandas is built on top of the Numpy library, which in practice means that most of the methods defined for Numpy Arrays apply to Pandas Series/DataFrames.

What makes Pandas so attractive is the powerful interface to access individual records of the table, proper handling of missing values, and relational-databases operations between DataFrames.

Selecting values

To access a value at the position [i,j] of a DataFrame, we have two options, depending on what is the meaning of i in use. Remember that a DataFrame provides an index as a way to identify the rows of the table; a row, then, has a position inside the table as well as a label, which uniquely identifies its entry in the DataFrame.

Use DataFrame.iloc[..., ...] to select values by their (entry) position

  • Can specify location by numerical index analogously to 2D version of character selection in strings.


import pandas as pd
data_penguins_named = pd.read_csv('data/data-penguins-named.csv',index_col='name')
print(data_penguins_named.iloc[0, 0])



Use DataFrame.loc[..., ...] to select values by their (entry) label (aka index name)

  • Can specify location by row and/or column name.


print(data_penguins_named.loc["Adelie_Torgersen_0", "species"])



Use : on its own to mean all columns or all rows.

  • Just like Python’s usual slicing notation.


print(data_penguins_named.iloc[0, :])


species                 Adelie
island               Torgersen
bill_length_mm            39.1
bill_depth_mm             18.7
flipper_length_mm        181.0
body_mass_g             3750.0
sex                       Male
Name: 0, dtype: object


print(data_penguins_named.loc["Adelie_Torgersen_0", :])


species                 Adelie
island               Torgersen
bill_length_mm            39.1
bill_depth_mm             18.7
flipper_length_mm        181.0
body_mass_g             3750.0
sex                       Male
Name: 0, dtype: object


print(data_penguins_named.loc[:, "bill_length_mm"])


Adelie_Torgersen_0    39.1
Adelie_Torgersen_1    39.5
Adelie_Torgersen_2    40.3
Adelie_Torgersen_3    36.7
Adelie_Torgersen_4    39.3
Gentoo_Biscoe_328     47.2
Gentoo_Biscoe_329     46.8
Gentoo_Biscoe_330     50.4
Gentoo_Biscoe_331     45.2
Gentoo_Biscoe_332     49.9
Name: bill_length_mm, Length: 333, dtype: float64

Use comparisons to select data based on value.

  • Comparison is applied element by element.
  • Returns a similarly-shaped dataframe of True and False.


# Use a subset of data.
subset = data_penguins_named.loc[:, 'bill_length_mm':'flipper_length_mm']
print('Subset of data:\n', subset)

# Which values were greater than 10000 ?
print('\nWhere are values large?\n', subset > 200)


Where are values large?
      bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm  body_mass_g
0             False          False               True         True
1             False          False               True         True
2             False          False               True         True
3             False          False               True         True
4             False          False               True         True
..              ...            ...                ...          ...
328           False          False               True         True
329           False          False               True         True
330           False          False               True         True
331           False          False               True         True
332           False          False               True         True

Select values or NaN using a Boolean mask.

  • A frame full of Booleans is sometimes called a mask because of how it can be used.


mask = subset > 200


     bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm
0               NaN            NaN              181.0
1               NaN            NaN              186.0
2               NaN            NaN              195.0
3               NaN            NaN              193.0
4               NaN            NaN              190.0
..              ...            ...                ...
328             NaN            NaN              214.0
329             NaN            NaN              215.0
330             NaN            NaN              222.0
331             NaN            NaN              212.0
332             NaN            NaN              213.0
  • Get the value where the mask is true, and NaN (Not a Number) where it is false.
  • Useful because NaNs are ignored by operations like max, min, average, etc.


print(subset[subset > 200].describe())


       bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm
count             0.0            0.0         144.000000
mean              NaN            NaN         215.034722
std               NaN            NaN           7.819121
min               NaN            NaN         201.000000
25%               NaN            NaN         210.000000
50%               NaN            NaN         215.000000
75%               NaN            NaN         220.000000
max               NaN            NaN         231.000000

Group By: split-apply-combine

Pandas vectorizing methods and grouping operations are features that provide users much flexibility to analyse their data.




Adelie       3706.164384
Chinstrap    3733.088235
Gentoo       5092.436975
Name: body_mass_g, dtype: float64




species    island
Adelie     Biscoe       38.975000
           Dream        38.520000
           Torgersen    39.038298
Chinstrap  Dream        48.833824
Gentoo     Biscoe       47.568067
Name: bill_length_mm, dtype: float64

A different way in which you could get the same output is by using an additional function .agg(). Here is an example of a single aggregation on one column:


data_penguins_named.groupby(["species"]).agg({'body_mass_g': 'mean'})


	    |  body_mass_g
species   |	
Adelie    |	3706.164384
Chinstrap |	3733.088235
Gentoo    |	5092.436975

And again with a second layer to groupby of island:


data_penguins_named.groupby(["species","island"]).agg({'body_mass_g': 'mean'})

There are some other useful ways in which we can use groupby() and agg(). Here we are preforming multiple aggregation on single column to see mean, median and standard deviation of the body mass in different species:


data_penguins_named.groupby(["species"]).agg({'body_mass_g': ['mean', 'median', 'std']})


          | mean	        |    median   |   std
species   |			  |             |
Adelie    |	3706.164384	  |    3700.0   | 458.620135
Chinstrap |	3733.088235	  |    3700.0   |	384.335081
Gentoo    |	5092.436975	  |    5050.0   |	501.476154

In case we want to explore two different columns and see how the mean of body mass and bill length are different between penguins of different species, based on the island they live on, we can apply specific aggregations to each column (in this case both are mean). Use .reset_index() at the end if you would like to result in a dataframe:


new_penguin_data = data_penguins_named.groupby(["species", "island"]).agg({'body_mass_g': 'mean', 'bill_length_mm': 'mean'}).reset_index()


     species     island  body_mass_g  bill_length_mm
0     Adelie     Biscoe  3709.659091       38.975000
1     Adelie      Dream  3701.363636       38.520000
2     Adelie  Torgersen  3708.510638       39.038298
3  Chinstrap      Dream  3733.088235       48.833824
4     Gentoo     Biscoe  5092.436975       47.568067

Looking at unique values

Look at pandas documentation and see what method can be used to get unique values.

To get the count of unique values you can use value_counts method:



The output is


species  island     bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm  body_mass_g  sex
Adelie   Biscoe     34.5            18.1           187.0              2900.0       Female    1
Gentoo   Biscoe     44.0            13.6           208.0              4350.0       Female    1
                    43.6            13.9           217.0              4900.0       Female    1
                    43.5            15.2           213.0              4650.0       Female    1
                                    14.2           220.0              4700.0       Female    1
Adelie   Torgersen  36.6            17.8           185.0              3700.0       Female    1
                    36.2            17.2           187.0              3150.0       Female    1
                                    16.1           187.0              3550.0       Female    1
                    35.9            16.6           190.0              3050.0       Female    1
Gentoo   Biscoe     59.6            17.0           230.0              6050.0       Male      1


  1. How can you filter the DataFrame data to get all rows where the species is ‘Adelie’ and the island is ‘Torgersen’?
  2. What code would you use to filter the DataFrame data to find all entries where the body mass is greater than 4000 grams and the flipper length is greater than 200 mm?


data_penguins[(data_penguins['species'] == 'Adelie') & (data_penguins['island'] == 'Torgersen')]


species	island	bill_length_mm	bill_depth_mm	flipper_length_mm	body_mass_g	sex
0	Adelie	Torgersen	39.1	18.7	181.0	3750.0	Male
1	Adelie	Torgersen	39.5	17.4	186.0	3800.0	Female
2	Adelie	Torgersen	40.3	18.0	195.0	3250.0	Female
3	Adelie	Torgersen	36.7	19.3	193.0	3450.0	Female
4	Adelie	Torgersen	39.3	20.6	190.0	3650.0	Male
5	Adelie	Torgersen	38.9	17.8	181.0	3625.0	Female
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
120	Adelie	Torgersen	38.8	17.6	191.0	3275.0	Female
121	Adelie	Torgersen	41.5	18.3	195.0	4300.0	Male
122	Adelie	Torgersen	39.0	17.1	191.0	3050.0	Female
123	Adelie	Torgersen	44.1	18.0	210.0	4000.0	Male
124	Adelie	Torgersen	38.5	17.9	190.0	3325.0	Female
125	Adelie	Torgersen	43.1	19.2	197.0	3500.0	Male


data_penguins[(data_penguins['body_mass_g'] > 4000) & (data_penguins['flipper_length_mm'] > 200)]


	species	island	bill_length_mm	bill_depth_mm	flipper_length_mm	body_mass_g	sex
85	Adelie	Dream	41.1	18.1	205.0	4300.0	Male
89	Adelie	Dream	40.8	18.9	208.0	4300.0	Male
95	Adelie	Biscoe	41.0	20.0	203.0	4725.0	Male
159	Chinstrap	Dream	52.0	18.1	201.0	4050.0	Male
161	Chinstrap	Dream	50.5	19.6	201.0	4050.0	Male
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
328	Gentoo	Biscoe	47.2	13.7	214.0	4925.0	Female
329	Gentoo	Biscoe	46.8	14.3	215.0	4850.0	Female
330	Gentoo	Biscoe	50.4	15.7	222.0	5750.0	Male
331	Gentoo	Biscoe	45.2	14.8	212.0	5200.0	Female
332	Gentoo	Biscoe	49.9	16.1	213.0	5400.0	Male

Many Ways of Access

There are at least two ways of accessing a value or slice of a DataFrame: by name or index. However, there are many others. For example, a single column or row can be accessed either as a DataFrame or a Series object.

Suggest different ways of doing the following operations on a DataFrame:

  1. Access a single column
  2. Access a single row
  3. Access an individual DataFrame element
  4. Access several columns
  5. Access several rows
  6. Access a subset of specific rows and columns
  7. Access a subset of row and column ranges

1. Access a single column:


# by name
data["col_name"]   # as a Series
data[["col_name"]] # as a DataFrame

# by name using .loc
data.T.loc["col_name"]  # as a Series
data.T.loc[["col_name"]].T  # as a DataFrame

# Dot notation (Series)

# by index (iloc)
data.iloc[:, col_index]   # as a Series
data.iloc[:, [col_index]] # as a DataFrame

# using a mask
data.T[data.T.index == "col_name"].T

2. Access a single row:


# by name using .loc
data.loc["row_name"] # as a Series
data.loc[["row_name"]] # as a DataFrame

# by name
data.T["row_name"] # as a Series
data.T[["row_name"]].T # as a DataFrame

# by index
data.iloc[row_index]   # as a Series
data.iloc[[row_index]]   # as a DataFrame

# using mask
data[data.index == "row_name"]

3. Access an individual DataFrame element:


# by column/row names
data["column_name"]["row_name"]         # as a Series

data[["col_name"]].loc["row_name"]  # as a Series
data[["col_name"]].loc[["row_name"]]  # as a DataFrame

data.loc["row_name"]["col_name"]  # as a value
data.loc[["row_name"]]["col_name"]  # as a Series
data.loc[["row_name"]][["col_name"]]  # as a DataFrame

data.loc["row_name", "col_name"]  # as a value
data.loc[["row_name"], "col_name"]  # as a Series. Preserves index. Column name is moved to `.name`.
data.loc["row_name", ["col_name"]]  # as a Series. Index is moved to `.name.` Sets index to column name.
data.loc[["row_name"], ["col_name"]]  # as a DataFrame (preserves original index and column name)

# by column/row names: Dot notation

# by column/row indices
data.iloc[row_index, col_index] # as a value
data.iloc[[row_index], col_index] # as a Series. Preserves index. Column name is moved to `.name`
data.iloc[row_index, [col_index]] # as a Series. Index is moved to `.name.` Sets index to column name.
data.iloc[[row_index], [col_index]] # as a DataFrame (preserves original index and column name)

# column name + row index

# column index + row name
data.iloc[:, [col_index]].loc["row_name"]  # as a Series
data.iloc[:, [col_index]].loc[["row_name"]]  # as a DataFrame

# using masks
data[data.index == "row_name"].T[data.T.index == "col_name"].T

4. Access several columns:


# by name
data[["col1", "col2", "col3"]]
data.loc[:, ["col1", "col2", "col3"]]

# by index
data.iloc[:, [col1_index, col2_index, col3_index]]

5. Access several rows


# by name
data.loc[["row1", "row2", "row3"]]

# by index
data.iloc[[row1_index, row2_index, row3_index]]

6. Access a subset of specific rows and columns


# by names
data.loc[["row1", "row2", "row3"], ["col1", "col2", "col3"]]

# by indices
data.iloc[[row1_index, row2_index, row3_index], [col1_index, col2_index, col3_index]]

# column names + row indices
data[["col1", "col2", "col3"]].iloc[[row1_index, row2_index, row3_index]]

# column indices + row names
data.iloc[:, [col1_index, col2_index, col3_index]].loc[["row1", "row2", "row3"]]

7. Access a subset of row and column ranges


# by name
data.loc["row1":"row2", "col1":"col2"]

# by index
data.iloc[row1_index:row2_index, col1_index:col2_index]

# column names + row indices
data.loc[:, "col1_name":"col2_name"].iloc[row1_index:row2_index]

# column indices + row names
data.iloc[:, col1_index:col2_index].loc["row1":"row2"]

Exploring available methods using the dir() function

Python includes a dir() function that can be used to display all the available methods (functions) that are built into a data object. In Episode 4, we used some methods with a string. But we can see many more are available by using dir():


my_string = 'Hello world!'   # creation of a string object 

This command returns:



You can use help() or Shift+Tab to get more information about what these methods do.

Assume Pandas has been imported and the penguins data has been loaded as data_penguins. Then, use dir() to find the function that prints out the count of data entries across all columns.

Among many choices, dir() lists the count() function as a possibility. Thus,


species              333
island               333
bill_length_mm       333
bill_depth_mm        333
flipper_length_mm    333
body_mass_g          333
sex                  333
dtype: int64


Interpolation is estimation based of known data. Imagine some measurement in the dataset are missing. How would you fill in missing numerical values? What factor would you take into account?

Key Points

  • Use DataFrame.iloc[..., ...] to select values by integer location.
  • Use : on its own to mean all columns or all rows.
  • Select multiple columns or rows using DataFrame.loc and a named slice.
  • Result of slicing can be used in further operations.
  • Use comparisons to select data based on value.
  • Select values or NaN using a Boolean mask.